Buil-Suret” Australi
Legal : "Trust & Compliance Hub"
Last update: Feb 2024
1 Compliance with Australian Consumer Law ( ACL )
A. Introduction
Build-Surety Australia is committed to
upholding the highest standards of service and
integrity in all aspects of our operations. In
alignment with this commitment, we rigorously
adhere to the Australian Consumer Law (ACL)
to ensure that all interactions on our platform
are conducted fairly, transparently, and with
the utmost respect for the rights of consumers
and service providers.
key points about the Australian Consumer Law (ACL): to help ensure our work meets professional
standards and your expectations:
1. Consumer Guarantees:
Products and services must meet certain standards, such as being of acceptable quality, fit for
purpose, and matching descriptions.
2. Unfair Contract Terms:
Standard form contracts must not contain terms that are unfair to consumers.
3. Product Safety:
Regulations ensure products are safe and warnings are provided where necessary.
4. Remedies and Redress:
Consumers have the right to remedies if goods or services do not meet guarantees, including
repair, replacement, or refund.
5. Misleading Conduct:
Businesses are prohibited from engaging in misleading or deceptive conduct, false
representations, and other unfair practices.
6. Lay-by Agreements:
Specific rules apply to lay-by agreements, ensuring transparency and fairness.
7. Consumer Rights:
Consumers have the right to receive the goods and services they pay for and expect them to
work properly without defects.
B. Description of Services
We pledge to provide clear, accurate, and comprehensive descriptions of the services offered through our platform.
This includes detailed profiles of contractors, clear explanations of service offerings, and transparent disclosure of all terms,
conditions, and fees associated with using Build-Surety Australia.
All service listings on our platform are vetted for accuracy and reliability. We commit to regular updates and reviews to
ensure that information presented is current and reflective of the true nature of the services offered.
C. Prohibition of Misleading Conduct
Build-Surety Australia strictly prohibits any form of misleading
or deceptive conduct by contractors or any other users of the
platform. This includes but is not limited to false representations
about the nature, quality, standard, or quantity of a service.
We actively monitor our platform for compliance and reserve
the right to take corrective action, which may include removal
from the platform, against any party found to be engaging in
misleading or deceptive practices.
D. Consumer Guarantees
Services procured through Build-Surety Australia are covered by consumer guarantees as provided under the Australian
Consumer Law. This ensures that services are provided with due care and skill, are fit for any specified purpose, and are
delivered within a reasonable time when no time frame is set.
In the event that a service does not meet the applicable consumer guarantees, consumers are entitled to remedies, which
may include a repeat of the service, a full or partial refund, or compensation for any loss or damage.
E. Dispute Resolution
Build-Surety Australia provides a clear and effective dispute resolution process to handle any complaints or issues
arising in relation to services facilitated through our platform. This process is designed to ensure fair, efficient, and
timely resolution in accordance with the principles of the ACL.
Users are encouraged to follow our dispute resolution process for any complaints, which is outlined in
[Customer Defects & Warranty Claims or dispute resolution process].
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Contact and Complaints:
Should you have any concerns about services obtained through our platform or wish to report a violation of the Australian Consumer Law, please
contact us directly at [Consultant builder]. We are committed to working with you to resolve your concerns in accordance with the ACL and our
commitment to customer satisfaction.
2 Business Structure and Licensing
Introduction;Build-Surety Australia operates with a steadfast commitment
to professionalism, safety, and compliance within the construction industry.
Our platform is designed to connect homeowners and strata committees with qualified,
licensed contractors and tradespeople who meet the rigorous standards set forth by
Australian construction and building codes.
Licences and Insurance for all contractors
Insurance Requirements:
In addition to licensing, we require that all listed
professionals maintain current Public Liability Insurance and,
where applicable, Home Warranty Insurance, to provide
further protection and peace of mind for our users.
These insurance policies must be in full compliance with
Australian regulations, offering coverage that meets or
exceeds industry standards.
Transparency and Documentation:
Build-Surety Australia maintains a transparent record-keeping system for the verification of licences and insurances.
Users have the right to request information regarding the credentials of professionals they are considering for their
construction projects.
Commitment to Legal and Ethical Standards
Build-Surety Australia is committed to operating within the legal framework established by Australian laws and
regulations. We pledge to conduct our business ethically and responsibly, ensuring that our platform remains a trusted
marketplace for construction services.
We encourage open communication and feedback from our users regarding the licensing and
qualifications of professionals listed on our platform.
This collaborative approach helps us maintain the highest standards of service and compliance.
3. Compliance with the Building Code of Australia (BCA)
and National Construction Code (NCC)
1. Adherence to Standards: All contractors and tradespeople listed on Build-Surety Australia are required to
comply with the Australian Standards for construction work, including but not limited to the Building Code of
Australia (BCA) and relevant state or territory regulations. This ensures that all services offered and performed through
our platform meet national quality and safety benchmarks.
2. Ongoing Compliance: Build-Surety Australia commits to regular audits and updates of our listed professionals to
ensure their continued adherence to these standards. Our platform facilitates transparency and accountability, promoting
trust and confidence among our users.
3. Our Commitment: Adherence to Codes: We ensure that all contractors and tradespeople listed on our platform are
aware of and commit to complying with the BCA and NCC in their construction practices. This commitment is a
prerequisite for their participation in Build-Surety Australia.
4. Up-to-Date Practices: The BCA and NCC are updated periodically to reflect new standards, technologies, and
practices. Build-Surety Australia commits to staying informed of these changes and to communicate any relevant updates
to our users, ensuring that the services provided through our platform remain in compliance.
5. Quality Assurance: By adhering to the BCA and NCC, Build-Surety Australia assures clients that construction work
sourced through our platform meets national standards for quality, safety, and efficiency. We believe that compliance with
these codes is essential to delivering superior construction outcomes and protecting the interests of homeowners and the
broader community.
6. Educational Resources: We provide resources and guidance for both consumers and construction professionals
regarding the BCA and NCC, supporting informed decision-making and facilitating compliance with current construction
7. User Responsibility:While Build-Surety Australia ensures that service providers commit to BCA and NCC
compliance, clients are encouraged to engage in discussions with contractors about how these standards will be met in
their specific projects. Such dialogue enhances transparency and ensures mutual understanding of compliance
obligations and expectations.
4 Consumer Privacy Protection
Build-Surety Australia is deeply committed to protecting the privacy and personal information of
our users, including homeowners, strata committees, and tradespeople. In every service quotation and throughout our
platform, we uphold stringent standards for data protection and privacy in full compliance with the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and
the Australian Privacy Principles (APPs).
Our Privacy Commitments:
Compliance with Privacy Act: We adhere to the Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the Australian Privacy Principles, ensuring that
all personal information is managed responsibly and with respect for your privacy rights.
Data Security: Build-Surety Australia implements robust cybersecurity measures to safeguard your personal information
against unauthorised access, disclosure, or loss. Our commitment to data security is designed to protect user data and
comply with legal obligations regarding data breach notifications.
Customer: Do not provide your “personal information when further site-inspection is required.
This quotation will be
accessible to the public for review on our market platform. Rest assured, we prioritised privacy, security, and the protection of
personal information. Personal information obtained from our website for purposes other than its intended use, such as preventing
scams or using it for any other unrelated purpose, is strictly prohibited.
Transparency and Control: Users have full control over their personal information on our platform. We provide clear
information about how your data is used, stored, and protected, and we ensure you have the ability to access, correct, or
delete your personal information upon request.
Data Minimization and Purpose Limitation: We collect only the information necessary to provide you with our services and
to enhance your experience on our platform. Your personal data is used strictly for the purposes for which it was collected,
and we do not share your information with third parties without your explicit consent, except as required by law.
Use only : Member Name: ----
Member ID : BS-CUST-1001
Date today : 16 / 10 / 2023
Area /State : Eastwood 2122 NSW
( Do not insert your : Full address / Phone number / maybe your Name too )
Your Rights:
You have the right to:
Access the personal information we hold about you.
Request the correction of inaccurate information.
Withdraw consent for the use of your data, where applicable.
Lodge a complaint regarding our data handling practices.
For more detailed information about how we collect, use, and protect your personal information, or to exercise any of your rights as
outlined above, please refer to our Privacy Policy or contact our Privacy Officer at [consultant builder at main page].
5 Modern Slavery Act (Australian) 2018
Elevating Excellence: Our Dedication to Modern Slavery Act
(Australian) 2018 Compliance
At Build-Surety Australia, our commitment to excellence transcends conventional construction paradigms. We proudly align
our values of professionalism, integrity, and ethical conduct with the Modern Slavery Act (Australian) 2018, showcasing our
unwavering dedication to construction service and quality management at the highest standards.
Buil-Suret” Australi
the unique service we provide
Why It Matters:
Professionalism in Safety: Safety is the keystone of
our professional ethos. Aligning with the Modern Slavery Act
seamlessly integrates with our commitment to maintaining the
pinnacle of safety standards throughout the construction process.
Ethical Business Practices: Our adherence to the Act
reflects the recognition that ethical business practices are not only
crucial for the construction industry but also contribute to a fair
and transparent business environment, showcasing our
commitment to professionalism in every aspect of our operations.
How We Demonstrate Our Commitment:
Guidelines for Each Trade: Build-Surety Australia operates with meticulous guidelines for every trade involved in
construction. These guidelines prioritise safety protocols, risk management, and accident prevention, ensuring a secure
working environment while upholding the highest standards of quality.
Comprehensive Risk Management: Our commitment to comprehensive risk management aligns seamlessly with the
Modern Slavery Act, contributing to the protection of our workers, stakeholders, and the broader community,
emphasising our
A Professional Approach:
Safety as a Professional Value: Safety is deeply ingrained as a professional value at Build-Surety Australia. Our commitment
to the Modern Slavery Act reflects our dedication to a professional approach that prioritises the well-being of our workforce
and partners.
Industry Leadership in Safety: As industry leaders, we recognize the impact of our practices. Aligning ourselves with the
Modern Slavery Act, we aspire to set industry standards, showcasing our commitment to professionalism, quality, and ethical
conduct in construction.dedication to quality management.
Our Pledge:
Continuous Improvement: Build-Surety Australia is unwavering in its commitment to
continuous improvement in safety and quality practices. Regular reviews and enhancements to
our guidelines ensure they exceed industry expectations and align with the Act, reflecting our
dedication to excellence.
Transparent Communication: We maintain transparent communication, ensuring our clients,
partners, and the wider community have confidence in our active pursuit of a future where
ethical practices are integral to every facet of our construction service and quality
At Build-Surety Australia, professionalism extends beyond structures; it's about constructing a legacy of safety, integrity,
and ethical excellence in every construction endeavour. Join us in building not just structures but a future where every
stakeholder is treated with the utmost respect and dignity.
6 Nondiscrimination Statement at
“Buil-Suret” Australi.
Effective [07 Feb 2024]
At Build-Surety Australia, our mission is to foster a fair and inclusive environment where
All individuals,
Regardless of background,
Gender identity,
Sexual orientation,
Actual or perceived disability status,
Veteran status, marital status, or
Other similarly protected characteristics, have equal access to opportunities.
We are committed to ensuring that our platform and marketplace are free from any form of discrimination or harassment. As
a member of our community, you agree to uphold this commitment and refrain from engaging in any unlawful discriminatory
behaviour or harassing conduct.
Build-Surety Australia does not tolerate discrimination in any form. Any user found to be violating this policy will be subject to
account closure and other appropriate actions as deemed necessary by Build-Surety Australia.
We encourage members of our community to report any instances of discrimination or harassment to us promptly at
Thank you for being a part of the Build-Surety Australia community, where we strive to elevate the construction experience
for everyone, ensuring that quality meets assurance in all aspects of our platform.
7. User Agreement
Effective Date: [ 07 Feb 2024 ]
This User Agreement (“Agreement”) governs your use of the Build-Surety Australia website and platform
("Platform" or "Services") provided by The Remedial Builders Pty Ltd ("Build-Surety," "we," or "us"). By
accessing or using the Build-Surety Australia Platform, you ("you" or "User") agree to be bound by the
terms and conditions of this Agreement.
1. Account Setup and Management
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia offers a streamlined process for registration and management of user accounts, ensuring
ease of access and efficient administration.
b. Legal Statement: By registering an account with Build-Surety Australia, users agree to abide by the platform's account
eligibility criteria, maintain accurate account profiles, and adhere to the specified account types and permissions. Users must
undergo identity and location verification as required by Build-Surety Australia. Usernames and passwords are confidential
and must not be shared.
2. Purpose of Build-Surety Australia
a. Statement: The primary aim of Build-Surety Australia is to facilitate transparent and reliable interactions between clients and
contractors, ensuring a seamless experience from project initiation to completion.
b. Legal Statement: Users engaging with Build-Surety Australia acknowledge the platform's role in facilitating contractual
relationships between clients and contractors, providing avenues for marketplace feedback and user-generated content.
Users are responsible for understanding and complying with taxation and benefits related to their activities on the platform.
3. Contractual Relationship Between Client and Contractor
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia delineates the contractual framework between clients and contractors, including service
contracts, dispute resolution mechanisms, and confidentiality provisions.
b. Legal Statement: Users entering into contractual agreements on Build-Surety Australia must adhere to the specified terms
and conditions outlined for service contracts and direct contracts. Disputes among users are subject to resolution
mechanisms provided by Build-Surety Australia, with confidentiality obligations governing the exchange of sensitive
4. Worker Classification and Payment Processing
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia provides clarity on worker classification and offers secure payment processing services for
contractors, ensuring fair compensation and compliance with regulatory requirements.
b. Legal Statement: Contractors engaging with Build-Surety Australia acknowledge the platform's guidelines for worker
classification and consent to the use of payment processing services provided by Build-Surety Australia. Users must comply
with payment terms and conditions outlined by the platform.
5. Build-Surety Fees and Taxes
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia outlines transparent fee structures for contractors and clients, including applicable taxes,
ensuring clarity and fairness in financial transactions.
b. Legal Statement: Contractors and clients utilising Build-Surety Australia acknowledge the platform's fee structures, including
fees for contractors, client fees, and relevant taxes such as GST. Build-Surety Australia does not charge fees for introducing
or finding projects.
6. Payment Terms and Escrow Services
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia offers secure payment terms and escrow services, safeguarding financial transactions and
facilitating prompt disbursements to contractors upon project completion.
b. Legal Statement: Users engaging in financial transactions on Build-Surety Australia consent to the platform's escrow
services, ensuring prompt client payments on service contracts and disbursements to contractors. Non-payment and
chargeback policies are enforced to maintain financial integrity.
7. Non-Circumvention and Communication
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia prohibits circumvention of payment processes and facilitates secure communication
channels within the platform, preserving the integrity of transactions and user privacy.
b. Legal Statement: Users are prohibited from circumventing payment processes facilitated by Build-Surety Australia and must
communicate exclusively through the platform to preserve transaction integrity. Users may opt out of communication
channels as permitted by Build-Surety Australia.
8. Records of Compliance
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia maintains records of user compliance with platform policies and regulations, ensuring
transparency and accountability in all interactions.
b. Legal Statement: Users engaging with Build-Surety Australia consent to the platform's maintenance of records documenting
user compliance with platform policies and regulations. These records serve to uphold transparency and accountability in all
9. Warranty Disclaimer
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia provides a disclaimer of warranties, outlining limitations and exclusions regarding the use
of the platform and services offered.
b. Legal Statement: Build-Surety Australia disclaims all warranties, express or implied, regarding the platform and services
offered. Users engage with the platform at their own risk, and Build-Surety Australia assumes no liability for any damages or
losses incurred.
10. Limitation of Liability
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia limits its liability for damages or losses arising from platform usage, providing clarity on the
extent of its financial responsibility.
b. Legal Statement: Build-Surety Australia limits its liability for any damages or losses arising from platform usage to the extent
permitted by law. Users acknowledge and accept the limitations of Build-Surety Australia's financial responsibility in such
11. Release
a. Statement: Users agree to release Build-Surety Australia from any claims or liabilities arising from platform usage,
acknowledging the platform's role as a facilitator of contractual relationships.
b. Legal Statement: By engaging with Build-Surety Australia, users release the platform from any claims or liabilities arising
from platform usage. Users acknowledge Build-Surety Australia's role as a facilitator of contractual relationships between
clients and contractors.
12. Indemnification
a. Statement: Users agree to indemnify and hold harmless Build-Surety Australia from any claims or liabilities arising from their
actions or transactions on the platform.
b. Legal Statement: Users engaging with Build-Surety Australia agree to indemnify and hold harmless the platform from any
claims or liabilities arising from their actions or transactions on the platform. This indemnification extends to any third-party
13. Agreement Term and Termination
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia delineates the terms of agreement and procedures for termination, ensuring clarity and
transparency in user engagements.
b. Legal Statement: Users engaging with Build-Surety Australia are bound by the terms of agreement specified by the platform,
including provisions for termination. Users acknowledge the procedures for account closure and data handling upon
14. Disputes Between Users and Build-Surety
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia provides mechanisms for dispute resolution between users and outlines the applicable
legal framework for resolving disputes.
b. Legal Statement: Users engaging with Build-Surety Australia consent to the platform's dispute resolution mechanisms and
agree to abide by the applicable legal framework for resolving disputes. This includes informal resolution processes as well
as binding arbitration.
15. General Provisions
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia sets forth general provisions governing user engagements, including modifications,
assignments, and interpretation of terms.
b. Legal Statement: Build-Surety Australia's general provisions govern user engagements and encompass provisions related
to modifications of terms, assignability of rights, and interpretation of contractual provisions. Users agree to adhere to these
general provisions.
16. Definitions
a. Statement: Build-Surety Australia provides definitions for key terms and phrases used throughout the platform, ensuring
clarity and consistency in understanding.
b. Legal Statement: Build-Surety Australia provides definitions for key terms and phrases used throughout the platform to
ensure clarity and consistency in understanding. Users are encouraged to reference these definitions for interpretation