A. Quick Answers to Your Questions
B. In-Depth Information and Answers
A. Quick Q & A
1. What services does Build-Surety Australia offer?
Answer: Build-Surety Australia offers a wide range of services including building, renovating,
maintenance, and project management for agents and strata. We also provide defect reports,
insurance claim assistance, pre-purchase inspections, and strata/facility management
2. How does Build-Surety Australia ensure quality and transparency in their services?
Answer: At Build-Surety Australia, we prioritise quality and transparency by employing expert
technicians, using high-quality materials, and providing detailed reports and quotes. We also offer
warranty and defect issue support to ensure customer satisfaction.
3. What is the Build-Surety System?
Answer: The Build-Surety System simplifies the complexity of building contracts through a
4-stage project process:
Stage 1: Supplier's Details / Verification Process
Stage 2: Work Details / Progress
Stage 3: Warranty
Stage 4: Payment Guidelines
4. What should I do if I encounter defects or issues after work completion?
Answer: If you encounter any defects or issues after work completion, please contact us
immediately. We offer defect reports and recommendations for solutions. In cases of conflict with
your contractor or lack of HBCF insurance, we can assist with resolution.
5. Can Build-Surety Australia help with insurance claims or tenant damage reports?
Answer: Yes, we assist with insurance claims and tenant damage reports. Our team will provide
the necessary documentation and support to ensure your claim is processed smoothly.
6. Do you offer pre-purchase house inspections for investors or property agents?
Answer: Absolutely. We provide comprehensive pre-purchase house inspections for investors
and property agents. Our detailed reports help you make informed decisions before purchasing a
7. How does Build-Surety Australia assist with strata or facility management issues?
Answer: We offer consultations for strata and facility management to address general issues and
defects. Our experts provide tailored solutions to ensure the smooth operation and maintenance
of your property.
8. What sets Build-Surety Australia apart from other building contractors?
Answer: Build-Surety Australia stands out for our commitment to quality, transparency, and
customer support. We leverage hi-tech smart platforms to manage construction stages efficiently
and maintain professional project oversight.
9. How do you handle customer support and follow-ups?
Answer: Customer support is a top priority for us. We offer friendly and professional support
throughout the project and follow up after completion to ensure everything meets your
satisfaction. Our team is always available to address any concerns or issues.
10. What is the process for obtaining a quote from Build-Surety Australia?
Answer: To obtain a quote, you can submit a request through our website before the site
inspection. This allows us to showcase our capabilities and understand your requirements.
Contractors or team will then provide a detailed quote and diagnostic solution.
11. What is the "Homeowners Warranty"?
Answer: The Homeowners Warranty provides essential insurance coverage, shielding
homeowners from potential risks following construction completion. This insurance typically
covers defects in new home constructions or renovations, offering homeowners a safety net
against unforeseen issues. The duration varies from 2 to 6 years based on jurisdiction and policy
terms. [Check more details at section 2]
12. How does Build-Surety Australia manage payments?
Answer: We prioritise secure and cost-effective transactions. Bank transfers are recommended
for their security and cost-saving benefits. Payment stages include a cooling-off period, security
deposit, and final payment upon satisfactory completion of work.
13. How do you prevent contract errors and find the right contractors?
Answer: We utilised a smart platform to meticulously manage contracts and match you with the
right contractors. Our approach minimises errors and ensures that all parties are aligned with the
project's goals and standards.
14. How do I contact Build-Surety Australia for inquiries or support?
Answer: You can contact us via our website, email, or chat for any inquiries or support. Our team
is readily available to assist you with your needs and provide prompt responses.
15. What should I do if I have a dispute or issue with a contractor? During construction
Answer: Our Customer Dispute Centre is designed to address and resolve any contractual
issues that may arise between owners and suppliers. You can utilised our resolution center,
STOP button feature during construction , or contact us directly for assistance.
16. What is the process for warranty claims and issue resolution?
Answer: For warranty claims, initiate the process by filling out the provided form to ensure your
concern is promptly submitted to our resolution centre. Our team will guide you through the
resolution process, ensuring timely and effective solutions.
17. How do you handle changes in terms and conditions?
Answer: We reserve the right to amend our Terms at our discretion. Any changes will be
communicated to you in writing, and your continued engagement with our services will constitute
acceptance of the amended Terms.
18. How can I vote for and recognise my contractor's outstanding work?
Answer: If your contractor has impressed you with their exceptional work, you can cast your vote
to acknowledge their efforts. Your vote is a powerful way to reward excellence and inspire others
in our community. You can simply select the button when the job is completed.
19. What is the Dispute Centre?
Answer: Our Dispute Centre addresses and resolves any contractual issues between owners
and suppliers. It focuses on resolving contractual disagreements and does not cover personal
matters such as discrimination or harassment.
20. What are the payment guidelines for contracts at Build-Surety Australia?
Answer: Payment guidelines include secure bank transfers, a cooling-off period, and a structured
release of funds upon satisfactory completion of work. For contracts over $20,000, HBCF
eligibility in NSW and other states is verified.
Details Q & A
1. What is the Build-Surety System?
Simplifying the complexity of building contracts 4 Stage project process
with the builder team.
Stage 1: Supplier 's Details / Verification Process:
Licence and Insurance:
Current licence, insurance certificate, and business details
are rigorously verified.
Terms and Conditions Agreement:
A comprehensive agreement (A - H) ensures mutual
understanding and compliance.
Work Health and Safety (WHS):
Adherence to WHS guidelines and Management plans are
Contract Management:
For contracts exceeding $20,000, HBCF eligibility in NSW
and other states are verified.
Stage 2: Work Details / Progress
Diagnostic Solutions: under quote
Contractors will provide expert diagnostic solutions and
project recommendations.
Critical Path Inspection:
Progress is documented through photo updates of the
critical project path.
Payment Release:
Final payment" is released upon satisfactory completion of
the work.
Stage 3: Warranty
Contractual Assurance:
All work is conducted under a contractual agreement.
Digital Certificate (D.C.):
A Digital Certificate is issued as a warranty from the
supplier. (more as below)
Record Keeping:
All records are securely stored within our system
throughout the warranty term.
Issue Resolution:
Records can be utilised to resolve and address any
conflicts or issues that may arise.
Stage 4: Payment Guidelines at Build-Surety Australia:
Safe and Affordable Transactions:
We prioritise secure and cost-effective transactions for homeowners and construction contractors. We
recommend using bank transfers for construction costs, providing a secure and transparent payment
method for a smooth financial process.
Advantages of Bank Transfer:
Bank transfers ensure a secure channel, reducing risks compared to other
payment methods.
Cost Savings
Opting for bank transfers eliminates additional fees, maximising cost
savings for both parties.
Initiate Payments / Security Deposit:
You have a 2-week window to cancel the contract.
Transfer this amount to Build-Surety's security account.
It will be released directly to you if your contractor hasn't made any initial material purchases or
preparations on your property. More details [ terms and condition; G. Refund: ]
Important Notice: Please be aware that there may be an administration cost for the return of your initial
deposit in case of any conflicts or mismanagement.
Minor Home-Repair to Major-Construction projects
< Industrial icons: all stages work complection + warranty plan >
2. What is the “Homeowners warranty”
The Homeowners Warranty provides essential insurance
coverage, shielding homeowners from potential risks following
construction completion. This insurance typically encompasses
defects in new home constructions or renovations, offering
homeowners a safety net against unforeseen issues. The
duration of the warranty typically spans 2 to 6 years, varying
based on jurisdiction and specific policy terms.
Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF) insurance requirements typically apply to residential building
work, not commercial building projects.
In New South Wales (NSW), and also other states { check all state below; } , the icare HBCF [Home
building compensation fund] plays a pivotal role, ensuring protection for both homeowners and
individual building contractors.
All Contractors: Painters, Tilers, builders, Carpenters, Plumbers, Waterproofers and so on are required
to have insurance eligibility for contracts exceeding $20,000, encompassing any additional or variation
work. Insurance requirements in each state are dependent on the respective regulations and policies
governing residential construction.
For every individual building contractor , icare HBCF provides crucial protection for homeowners. Each
contractor must have eligibility of insurance for every contract over $20,000, including any additional and
variation work. { You should obtain HBCF to expand your business }
Homeowners must obtain the HBCF insurance before their contract is signed with the contractor,
ensuring support from the State Insurance Regulatory Authority SIRA throughout the project.
SIRA, also known as the [State Insurance Regulatory Authority], provides a safety net for homeowners in
various situations, including a builder's or contractor's insolvency, death, disappearance, or licence
suspension, where the builder or contractor has failed to comply with a NSW Civil and Administrative
Tribunal (NCAT) or court money order obtained by the homeowner.
Do not sign the contract
without HBCF insurance.
Insurance under Part 6 or Part 6B of the Home Building Act 1989, The contractor
must provide you with a certificate of insurance under Part 6 or Part 6B of the
Home Building Act 1989 before the contractor commences work and before the
contractor can request or receive any payment.
Check the condition now.
Any contractor (Builder/ plumber/ electrician) who takes over $20,000, cost included variation or additional.
Verify licence / and HBCF insurance.
Are you covered: self - check the insurance certificate .
New South Wales (NSW): NSW has the Home Building Compensation Fund (HBCF) requirement for
residential construction work exceeding $20,000.
Victoria: Victoria has the Domestic Building Insurance (DBI) scheme, which provides homeowners
with protection against incomplete or defective building work, as well as loss resulting from builder
Queensland: Queensland has the Queensland Home Warranty Scheme, which provides insurance
coverage for residential construction work.
Western Australia: In Western Australia, builders are required to obtain home indemnity insurance for
residential construction work exceeding $20,000. This insurance protects homeowners against
financial loss caused by incomplete or defective work, as well as builder insolvency.
South Australia: South Australia also has its own home warranty insurance scheme, administered by
the South Australian Government, which provides coverage for residential building work.
Tasmania: Tasmania requires builders to provide home warranty insurance for residential
construction work exceeding a certain value. This insurance protects homeowners against
incomplete or defective work, as well as builder insolvency.
Northern Territory: In the Northern Territory, builders are required to provide homeowners with a
statutory warranty insurance certificate for residential construction work.
Australian Capital Territory (ACT): The ACT has the Home Building Act, which requires builders to
provide homeowners with insurance coverage for residential construction work exceeding a certain
These are general overviews, and the specific requirements and details of each scheme may vary. It's important
to consult the relevant legislation and authorities in each state or territory for accurate and up-to-date
information regarding home warranty insurance or similar schemes.
What is the “Homeowners warranty”
Summary by Build-Surety consultation builder
Andy kim 246037C
3. Dispute Centre Statement
Warranty Claim vs. Dispute
A warranty claim involves requesting repair or replacement of a defective product within the terms of a
warranty, while a dispute arises from disagreements over various aspects of a transaction, such as product
quality, service delivery, or contract terms. Warranty claims focus on product defects covered by the
warranty, while disputes encompass broader disagreements between consumers and businesses, requiring
negotiation or legal resolution
At Build-Surety Australia, we are committed to ensuring a smooth and transparent construction process for
all parties involved. Our Customer Dispute Centre is designed to address and resolve any contractual issues
that may arise between owners and suppliers.
Our program serves as a pre-resolution stage,
providing an opportunity for tribunals to address contract disputes before escalating
to court cases. It's important to note that this program specifically focuses on
resolving contractual disagreements and does not cover personal matters such as
discrimination or sexual harassment.
Through our open Resolve Contract function, accessible via the system,
stakeholders have the ability to pause work using the STOP button. This feature
allows owners, managers, or administrators to temporarily halt work in the event of
any issues, ensuring that concerns are addressed promptly and effectively."
Dear valued customer;
We understand that encountering building defects or issues can be frustrating, but it's essential to remember
that these situations are not criminal or anything of the sort. Your safety and satisfaction are our top priorities,
and we are here to help resolve any concerns you may have.If you notice any defects or encounter problems
with our services, please don't hesitate to reach out to us or utilise our resolution center. There's no need for
argument or anything; we'll sort it out. We are committed to addressing your concerns promptly and finding
solutions that meet your needs
Dear esteemed contractor;
We value the professionalism and dedication you bring to your work with Build-Surety. We understand that
building defects or issues may arise during projects, and we want to assure you that these situations are not
criminal or anything of the sort.
If you encounter any challenges or issues during your projects, please communicate them with us openly
and promptly. Our resolution center is available to address any concerns, and there's no need for
argument or anything; we'll sort it out.
3.1 Conflict Resolution Guidelines:
At Build-Surety, we are committed to providing exceptional customer support and ensuring
that any conflicts or concerns are resolved promptly and effectively. Our team is dedicated to
assisting you throughout every step of your construction project journey. Below are some
important guidelines to help you navigate our platform and address any issues that may
Clear Communication: Open and transparent communication is key to a
successful construction project. We encourage all users to communicate openly
with each other and with our team to ensure that expectations are clearly
understood and met.
Quality Assurance: Build-Surety connects customers with reliable builders who uphold the highest standards of quality and
craftsmanship. If you encounter any issues with the quality of work or service provided, please reach out to us, and we will
work to resolve the issue promptly.
Technical Support: Our technical support team is available to address any issues or concerns you may have with the
platform. Whether you're experiencing technical glitches or need assistance navigating the website, we're here to help.
Policy Transparency: We believe in transparency when it comes to our policies and procedures. If you have any questions
or concerns about our policies, please don't hesitate to contact us for clarification. We want to ensure that all users
understand our policies and feel comfortable using our platform.
Conflict Resolution: In the event of any disputes or conflicts, Build-Surety is committed to facilitating constructive dialogue
and finding amicable resolutions. Our team is here to assist you in resolving any issues that may arise during your
construction project.
4. Warranty Guidelines:
Key point :
4.1 Guideline ( Check list )
4.2 Warranty report to create your plan ( Contractor use )
4.2.1 How Build-Surety Helps with Your Warranty
4.3 Warranty period for residential construction
4.4 Empowering Resolution:
4.5 You Need Us / 3-Way System Approach
Warranty Notice: Ensuring a Smooth Resolution
Customer's Perspective: Negotiate with Confidence
As a customer, having a clear vision and strong negotiating skills is crucial when addressing warranty
matters. We encourage you to approach any concerns with confidence, knowing that your satisfaction is our
priority.Timely Action is Crucial (Customer Side): When facing a potential warranty issue, taking timely
action is essential from the customer's perspective. Instead of directly contacting the contractor, initiating the
process by filling out the provided form ensures that your concern is promptly submitted to our resolving
Preventing Escalation (Customer Side): We believe in preventing conflicts from
escalating unnecessarily from the customer's point of view. By proactively addressing
concerns and following our designated process, you can avoid unnecessary disputes and
find a resolution efficiently.
Contractor's Perspective:Negotiate with Confidence (Contractor Side):
From the contractor's perspective, effective negotiation skills are essential when resolving warranty
matters. We understand the importance of clear communication and encourage contractors to approach
any issues with confidence.
Timely Action is Crucial (Contractor Side): Contractors play a crucial role in addressing warranty issues
promptly. By adhering to the process and promptly addressing customer concerns, contractors can ensure
a smooth resolution and maintain customer satisfaction.
Preventing Escalation (Contractor Side): Contractors can contribute to preventing
conflicts from escalating by addressing customer concerns proactively and
professionally. By engaging with the resolving centre and collaborating with customers,
contractors can resolve issues efficiently and uphold our commitment to quality
Combined Perspective: Your Warranty Matters, Our Priority:
At Build-Surety Australia, we understand and value both the customer and
contractor perspectives when it comes to warranty matters. By encouraging
proactive communication, timely action, and confident negotiation from both
sides, we ensure a smooth resolution process that prioritises customer
satisfaction and maintains positive contractor-client relationships.
Elevate your construction experience with Build-Surety: Where Quality Meets Assurance.
( Also check ) This is key summary from ACCC, For more information please visit site now:
Consumer rights and guarantees
Businesses must meet a set of basic rights when they sell products or services.
These basic rights are called consumer guarantees. They are included in the Australian Consumer Law.
Consumers automatically receive these consumer guarantees when they buy goods and services.
It is unlawful for businesses to mislead consumers about these rights.
Warranties are extra promises that a business makes about the quality of a product or how it will fix any problems with a
product or service.
Warranties apply in addition to consumer rights to a repair, replacement, refund or cancellation when there's a problem with a
product or service.
A business must honour their warranties. They must include certain information in any warranties against defects.
Businesses must not pressure or mislead consumers to buy an extended warranty.
4.1 Checklist Guidelines:
Inspection Criteria:
When it comes to defects or warranty, this section will prevent damages for both you and the customer.
[ items are in you quote application ]
Structural Integrity:
How will you ensure the structural integrity of the project?
Can you provide examples of past projects where structural integrity was a concern and how it was
Jointing and Movement:
How do you plan to address jointing and movement issues to prevent future problems?
What measures will you take to ensure that joints are properly sealed and movement is
Detailed Problem-Solving:
What is your strategy for resolving any critical issues that may arise during the project?
Can you specify any materials or techniques that are essential for successful problem-solving?
Materials Used:
Please provide detailed information on the specific materials you plan to use, including their
specifications and application methods.
How do you ensure that the materials used meet the required standards and specifications?
Conflict Reduction:
How do you propose to minimise potential conflicts between you and the customer during the
Can you suggest any strategies or communication methods to foster a smoother collaboration?
Waterproofing Issues and Claims ? [ Additionally ]
1. Waterproofing Issue:
Water Testing: Have you conducted a water test on your work? Ensure all waterproofing efforts
are tested for efficacy.
Report Check: Refer to the report in the open library for information on waterproofing failures or
testing results.
2. Insurance Coverage:
Some insurers offer coverage for waterproofing issues as part of public liability damages. Note
that this may not include workmanship-related problems.
3. Material and Installation Standards:
Ensure your materials and installation follow industry standards. If you can rectify the issue
without significant damage to your business, this is the best approach.
4. Insurance Status:
Have you started your project without insurance? Verify and secure the necessary insurance
coverage before commencing work to protect against unforeseen issues.
4.2 Warranty report to create your plan ( contractor use )
Project Failed? We've Got Your Back!
If your project didn’t go as planned and you need to start over, don’t worry. Use the
form we provide to create a new plan.
Got issues like movement problems or related damage? Not sure about covering
everything yourself? Negotiate with Build-Surety.
We're here to support you with our CCC function. How Build surety Help your
The best way to warranty
3 way interview book from consultant builder Check now
Contractors, Boost Your Warranty Success!
This section of your warranty report is your professional toolkit. Use it to streamline the process and minimise any potential
damage to your warranty. Ensure your claims are handled smoothly and efficiently!
A professional warranty claim process will make customers come back to you again and even lead to additional work.
Create opportunities for your business!
Your Warranty Plan: A Path to Success!
Don't just redo the work;
with an unhappy customer. When they lodge a form with us, you'll be formally notified with a
document like the one below.
Now, it's crucial to create a comprehensive plan that goes beyond simply redoing the work. You need to
account for all factors, clearly describe your strategy, and minimise potential damages.Ensure you have a
completion report;
Learn how to avoid warranty issues and protect your business from damage before the project strat.
Tip to successfully complete the “Warranty Plan” below
1. Introduction
Brief overview of the project and the contractor's role in the construction process.
2. Warranty Coverage
Outline the specific warranty coverage provided by the contractor for the project.
This may include:
Duration of Warranty Period
Types of Defects Covered (Structural, Non-structural, etc.)
Scope of Work Covered
Exclusions from Warranty Coverage
3. Procedures for Reporting Defects
Detail the procedures that must be followed by the client or homeowner to report any defects covered under the warranty.
This may include:
Contact Information for Reporting Defects
Required Documentation or Evidence of Defects
Timelines for Reporting Defects
4. Inspection and Assessment Process
Describe how the contractor will handle inspections and assessments of reported defects.
This may include:
Appointment Scheduling for Inspections
Methods of Assessment (Visual Inspection, Testing, etc.)
Timeline for Inspection and Assessment
5. Resolution Process
Outline the steps that will be taken by the contractor to resolve reported defects.
This may include:
Repair or Replacement Procedures
Timeline for Resolution
Communication with Client or Homeowner
6. Documentation and Record-Keeping Section 8: Management Plan (check now)
Detail the documentation and record-keeping practices that will be followed by the contractor throughout the warranty
This may include:
Maintenance of Defect Reports
Documentation of Inspections and Assessments
Records of Repairs or Replacements
7. Dispute Resolution
Provide information on the dispute resolution process that will be followed in case of disagreements regarding warranty
coverage or defect resolution.
This may include:
Mediation or Arbitration Procedures
Escalation Process for Disputes
8. Client Education
Outline any educational materials or resources that will be provided to clients or homeowners regarding their rights and
responsibilities under the warranty.
This may include:
Informational Brochures
FAQ Documents
Client Workshops or Seminars
9. Compliance with Legal Requirements
Ensure that the warranty report plan complies with any relevant legal requirements or regulations governing warranty
provisions in the construction industry.
Summarise the key points of the warranty report plan and reiterate the contractor's commitment to providing quality service and
resolving defects in a timely manner.
Not sure about covering everything yourself?
Negotiate with Build-Surety. We're here to support you with our CCC function. 3 way interview to
start Negotiation. [ Check below more information get ready now ]
Buil-Suret” Australi
the unique service we provide
4.2.1 How Build-Surety Helps with Your Warranty
The Best Way to Handle Warranties
When defects or construction failures arise, here’s how to navigate the situation effectively:
“Suggest Reasonable Solutions”:
Identify the issue clearly.
Propose practical and fair resolutions that align with industry standards.
Negotiate Professionally”:
This is the most recommended and effective approach.
Approach the conversation with a cooperative mindset.
Highlight your commitment to quality and customer satisfaction.
Additional Tips for Contractors:
Act Promptly to Avoid Damage:
Ignoring warranty issues can harm your business reputation and lead to higher costs down the line.
Resolving issues at the first step is crucial.
Communicate Transparently:
Keep the customer informed about each step you take.
Provide timelines and updates regularly.
Document Everything:
Maintain detailed records of all communications and actions taken.
This ensures clarity and accountability for both parties.
Seek Mediation if Needed:
If an agreement can’t be reached, consider involving a neutral
third party to mediate the discussion.
Remember, Your Experience Matters!
Handling warranties can be a positive experience. Let's do this together and turn challenges into
opportunities for growth and stronger customer relationships.
Your expertise and commitment
make all the difference!
If your negotiation isn't successful, you may need to seek a legal adviser or contact Fair Trading. Check 4.5 below now !
4.3 warranty period for residential construction
“Check your warranty period” In Australia, the warranty period for residential construction work is typically
regulated by state and territory legislation. Here are references to relevant acts or legal frameworks in some
Australian states:
NSW; Home Building Act 1989 : This act governs residential building work in
New South Wales and includes provisions related to warranties for defects in
building work. Section 18B of this act outlines the statutory warranties that
builders are required to provide, including a warranty period of 6 years for major
defects and 2 years for all other defects
Victoria; Domestic Building Contracts Act 1995 : This legislation regulates
domestic building contracts in Victoria. Section 8 of this act specifies the
warranties that builders must provide for residential building work, including a
warranty period of 10 years for major structural defects and a warranty period
of 2 years for non-structural defects.
Queensland; Building and Construction Commission Act 1991 : This act
establishes the Queensland Building and Construction Commission (QBCC) and
regulates the building and construction industry in Queensland. While this act
doesn't specifically outline warranty periods, it governs licensing requirements
and dispute resolution mechanisms related to building work.
Western Australia (WA): Home Building
Contracts Act 1991 This legislation governs home building contracts in Western
Australia. Section 6 of this act sets out implied warranties that apply to residential
building work, including a warranty period of 6 years for structural defects and 2
years for non-structural defects.
4.4 Empowering Resolution:
Build-Surety's Approach to Disputes and Solutions"
At Build-Surety, we prioritise negotiation and the sharing of case studies to resolve issues
Our aim is to empower both homeowners and business owners to find mutually beneficial
When disputes arise, we facilitate discussions and encourage parties to consider case
studies from our extensive library.
These case studies showcase successful resolutions and provide valuable insights into
resolving similar issues.
In instances where negotiations are unsuccessful, Build-Surety reserves the right to
impose penalties as a last resor t.
Our maximum penalty may include requiring the business owner to rectify the situation
within our community and prominently display a notice or their business name on the
Dispute Centre notice board.
We view such actions as critical in maintaining the integrity of our community and
ensuring accountability.
By promoting negotiation and leveraging our case studies, we aim to foster constructive
dialogue and facilitate fair resolutions to disputes within our community.
Legal Disclaimer:
Please note that the information provided on our site is intended for general guidance and should not be considered legal
advice. We encourage our users to consult with professional advisors for specific concerns related to building codes and
4.5 You Need Us
Having trouble with your project?
Maybe there are hidden issues you didn't expect. It's tough to explain or deal
with owners
We work together - contractors and customers - to understand your situation. With our advice
and evidence-based solutions, we've got your back whenever you need us.
3 way interview
Communication and collaboration between [ Customers, Contractors, Consultants ]
Dispute Resolution: Support the Warranty Negotiation
Warranty or Defect issue after work completion.
Technical Support: Homeowner and Building contractors
General structural issues included water Leaking.
Currant project: Reference for variation or additional work.
Our goal is to ensure transparency and efficiency throughout
your project journey.
Please use this tool to fill in the necessary details and keep adding information as
required until your case is closed.
Free public Consulting
3 way interview
Visite the consultant builder now
5. Service Fee Guidelines (Supplier only)
Initiate Payments / Security Deposit:
Cooling Off Period: You have a 2-week window to cancel the contract.
First Payment :
Transfer this amount to Build-Surety's security account. It will be released directly to you if your contractor
hasn't made any initial material purchases or preparations on your property. More details [terms and condition;
G. Refund:]
If initial work has begun or any materials have been purchased for the project, the deposit will be retained by
the contractor. The remaining 90% of the deposit will be released after deducting the Build Surety service fee
Important Notice to Customers:
Please note that in the event of conflicts or mismanagement requiring the return of your initial deposit from
contractors, there may be an associated administration cost.
At “Build-Surety” , we value your business and aim to provide transparent and fair pricing for our services. To
ensure a clear understanding of our service fees, please refer to the following guidelines:
1. Contracts Over $20,000:
Service Fee: 5% of the contract amount.
Maximum Service Fee: Not to exceed $2,000.
2. Contracts Over $5,000 - $19,990 :
Service Fee: 6% of the contract amount.
Maximum Service Fee: Not to exceed $1,000.
3. Contracts Under $5,000:
Service Fee: 7% of the contract amount.
4. Professional Report:
Service Fee: 10% of the contract amount.
Service Fee Guide Notice:
Our service cost is variable, influenced by market demand and various factors. We are committed to maintaining
competitive and friendly pricing for our valued business partners. For detailed and current information on our
service fees, please contact our dedicated team. We appreciate your partnership and look forward to providing
exceptional value in every aspect of our collaboration.
6. "Vote for Excellence:
Recognised Your Contractor's Outstanding Work!
Your contractor's dedication and skill deserve recognition. If they've impressed you with their exceptional
work, cast your vote to acknowledge their efforts. Your vote is a powerful way to reward excellence and inspire
others in our community. Don't miss the chance to honour outstanding contractors!"
Notice Regarding Fair Usage:
Please be advised that registering accounts under the names of friends or family for the purpose of artificially inflating
likes, ratings, or rewards is strictly prohibited. Engaging in such practices may result in penalties, including the
suspension or termination of your account. We encourage all users to adhere to our guidelines to ensure a fair and
trustworthy environment for everyone on our platform
Questing Master
Asking Now
Someone who's really
good at asking questions
and finding answers.
Customer Care Champion
Someone who goes above
and beyond to take care of
customers and make them
Project Management
A person who's really great
at organising and getting
things done for projects.
Innovation Instigator
Someone who encourages
new ideas and ways of
doing things
Sustainability Steward
Someone who cares about
the environment and
makes sure that projects
are eco-friendly and
socially responsible
Earn Your Status as a “Category Captain Through Customer Recognition!
Become a leader in your industry by excelling in customer satisfaction. As you gather likes”, Rewards”, and positive
feedback from your customers, you'll earn prestigious titles like 'Category Captain,' 'Spotlight Leader,' and more. It's all
about your service excellence—let your happy customers propel you to the top!
1. Spotlight Leader
2. Category master
3. Performer Award:
Customer Referral Bonus:
The top medal is Build-Surety Excellence Award
This prestigious award is bestowed upon contractors who exemplify excellence in every aspect of their work, aligning with
the core values and commitments of Build-Surety. Recipients of the Build-Surety Excellence Award demonstrate mastery in
their craft, exceptional project management skills, unwavering commitment to quality assurance, innovative thinking,
dedication to safety, outstanding customer care, community engagement, and a strong focus on sustainability. This award
symbolises the highest level of achievement and recognition within the Build-Surety community, reflecting the recipient's
exemplary contributions to the construction industry.
7. Your trade service business belongs here, at Build Surety.
"Join Us in Building a Better Future with Build-Surety!"
Dear Our Contractors,
We created Build-Surety to tackle the issues of failed contracts and warranty disputes we've seen since
2012. We know the construction process can be tricky, and misunderstandings happen.
Here's the deal: Once you get a deposit, stick to your commitments. Our inspection and warranty
processes protect both you and the customer. If any issues pop up, don’t handle them alone—submit a
form, and we'll sort it out together.
Homeowners choose contractors based on proven results, secure protection, and your warranty plans.
Use our quote template and update your profile to show off your expertise. Also, join the task share to
grab exciting new projects.
We know site inspections without pay can be tough. That’s why we suggest submitting your quote first,
following our guidelines, to save time and keep your business running smoothly.
At Build-Surety, we’re here to support you. Let’s make the construction experience better for everyone.
"Visit our Dispute Centre; find cases similar to yours and get recommendations. Share your story to help
others avoid the same mistakes.
Stay your business with us !
"Build-Surety is a trading platform where we are here to help
your business."
"No Win, No Fee"
We uphold our commitment to
quality and assurance. If you
don't secure the project, you
won't pay any fees.
Your Personal Management
Seamlessly maintain your records, showcase
your track record to potential customers, and
engage directly with them through your
profile. Access progressive payments directly
from customers.
Efficient Job Matching:
Save time and costs by finding the right
job and customer before the site
inspection. Customers provide detailed
information, enabling you to select work
aligned with your expertise and
Open library
your Best business tool
Technical Support:
Receive technical assistance and support for your business. We're here to help you
navigate challenges and ensure project success.
Utilise our platform to continuously learn and improve. Access a wealth of
resources, including case studies and expert insights, to stay updated on industry
trends and best practices.
Bid farewell to high marketing costs. Connect directly with customers on our
platform, reducing your expenses significantly.
Showcase your expertise through our Open Library. Publish case studies and
detailed project reports to highlight your skills and project management capabilities.
Connect with fellow professionals in our community forums and networking events.
Collaborate, share experiences, and enhance your skills to grow your business."
Resolution Center:
Safeguard your business and contracts through our resolution centre. Check cases and
share insights with others in the community.
7.1 “How to expand your business with build-surety
Show off your skills!
Uploading detailed case studies is a great way to prove what you can do and
get more clients interested. Talk about how you solved problems and nailed
successful projects to stand out.
Tips for Success:
Highlight Success Stories: Share specific examples of projects where you excelled. Include details of
challenges faced and how you overcame them to deliver outstanding results.
Visualise Your Work: Bring your projects to life with images. Visual content can captivate potential clients
and showcase the quality of your craftsmanship.
Leverage Client Testimonials: Boost credibility by including testimonials from satisfied clients. Let their
positive feedback validate your skills and reliability. ( Vote for excellence: Award / Likes )
Use Templates for Efficiency: Streamline your Case study creation process with templates or guidelines.
Ensure you cover all essential details, from project scope to outcomes achieved.
Check the NOTE below:
knows how to winning the work: ( you will find this note at quote apply system)
Winning work isn’t just about offering the lowest price; it’s about showcasing your professionalism, skills, and how you
manage your business.
Here’s a straightforward guide to help you succeed:
Communicate Your
Share your knowledge and
Provide examples of past
Create a Template
Develop a reusable
quote template now.
Include scope of work,
costs, timelines, and
Handle Changes and
Expecting extra work helps you
and builds trust with your
Tell them early about possible
changes. Explain any changes
clearly and professionally.
Suggest a consultation if
(3-Way Interview)
Customer Contractor Consultant builder
Consult with builder on your side
Support and reference for variations
Embrace Continuous Improvement: View each Case study as an opportunity for growth. Reflect on lessons learned and
areas for improvement to refine your skills and deliver better results.
Network and Learn: Connect with fellow contractors to share insights and learn from each other's experiences.
Networking can open doors to new opportunities and help you stay ahead in the industry.
HBCF Insurance: Stay on the right side of the law! In NSW, if your project costs over $20,000, you need HBCF
insurance. It protects both you and your clients, so it's important to know the deal.
Save Money for Homeowners: Fun fact: Splitting contracts into stages can save homeowners cash on HBCF
insurance. Keep each stage under $20,000 to keep costs down and follow the rules.
Tip: Get clued up and protect your business and clients with HBCF insurance. Head to our
“FAQ: 2 to find out everything you need to know about Homeowners Warranty insurance."
Buil-Suret” Australi
the unique service we provide